Press Kit

The Press kit is a document that contains general information and more nuanced details that a press release. If it is well prepared, it should provide all the necessary elements for a journalist to write an article or to use them according to his needs.


successful planning should begin by defining the subject of the kit, followed by a brief overview of the Organization from different points of view:


Historical (origins, evolution),


Product and Service,


Strategy (projects, investments),


Management (organizational chart, staff profile, social policy),


Market Share (including stakeholders and Relationship with Competitors, etc.).


In its structure, a quick access to information must prevail to "grab" the reader’s attention, as newsrooms receive dozens of these documents daily. It is a flexible tool because it allows a certain level of informality when working its content and layout-presentation, style, tone, format, etc.


If it is handed out during a meeting, it can be given at the beginning or at the end of it. In the first case, journalists may decide to read the document instead of listening to the presentations. In the second case, speakers must get organized not to repeat the information given in the kit; they should try to supply further information.


As in the case of the press release, the effects of the initiated dialogue should be monitored and its impact analyzed. In this context, demands from reporters regarding interview requests, supplementary information, illustrations, product samples, visits, etc. should be satisfied.


The Press kit is an efficient tool to provide information to the press. If it is objectively presented, it reinforces the Company’s discourse and image without making a plea.

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